Tuesday 24 September 2013

Pinhole Photography

I find pinhole photography so cool! I am very excited to be able to make my own pinhole camera and take my own pictures. While I wait for that here are 2 very cool Pinhole images!

 They look so mysterious.

Friday 20 September 2013

Day 6

Today's weather. It is cloudy with a little bit of blur sky peeking in! Wish it was stormy, then I could get a great picture! 

Day 5

Looking up looking down! Get it? The cameras looking down and Im looking up! I thought this was a creative idea. 

Day 4

Something I found! Well, I was looking through my old pictures and I found this! I love this picture! This was from a "photoshoot my best friend, sister and I put together. 

Day 3

This was from last summer when my room got renovated by surprise! 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Late Photo a day!!

I have been very late on my photo a day challenge! I will upload the ones I have taken so far!

Day 2: Funny
This is a silly picture of my sister that I took. I love this picture because its laid back and loose. Its not uptight worrying about hair or makeup its just simply funny!

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Texture! I love texture photos because it shows the small little details that nobody really pays attention to. I love this picture because it is just simple. It shows the gentleness, purity and just overall beauty new born babies have.

Monday 9 September 2013

Photo a day challenge!

Today for photo a day challenge the subject was somebody you talk to. The people in this picture are Tianna and Carly and they are who I mostly talk to so I thought why not do both. 
I love this instagram picture because it shows a little girl just being facinated by this big plane. It also shows a lot of emotion as maybe this little girl is saying goodbye to somebody she cares about. Yet she could be waiting to go on vacation to lets say disneyland. This picture could go either way and thats what I love about this picture because you get to make up your own story.

I love this instagram picture because to me it symbolizes peace. This picture was probably taken by a traveller going somewhere on vacation. When your on vacation you want relaxation and I think that is exactly what this photo represents.