Thursday 12 December 2013

Shutter Defenitions

Shutter-The shutter is a part of the camera that exposes the light. It opens and closes as you take the picture.

Shutter speed-Shutter speeds are how fast the shutter opens and closes. It can be open for a really long time or really quickly.

Shutter priority- A camera setting that chooses the aperture but you get to choose the shutter speed.

Aperture-The size the lens opens to.

ISO/ASA- Controlles the sensativity of your picture (eg. Light, Grains)

Exposure triangle- The 3 rules to the right exposure (aperture, shutter speed, ISO)

''B'' or Bulb- Camera setting that allows lots of exposure time that the photographer can decide about.

Cable Relese- Metal or wire cable attached to the shutter button. There is a trigger on the cable that when pressed takes a picture.

Tripod- A object that attaches to the camera and holds it still off the ground. Sort of the a shelf.

Bracketing- To take the same picture with diffrent exposures.

Fast shutter speed
Slow shutter speed
Painting with light
Multiple exposure

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