Wednesday 26 February 2014

Edward Burtynsky

This photograph has big significance on the world. It shows the frown behind the smile. It represents that our world might not be as 'beautiful' as we think.

Edward Burtynsky photographs landscape of leading issues the world has. I personally do not like Edward's photos but i love the idea he has to bring attention to our issues.

I can take action to help our world by paying more attention to recycling properly.

Monday 17 February 2014


Aperture/ F-stop: Diffrent lengths of time and light that hit the camera.

Aperture Priority- You choose the aperture and Shutter speed and everything else adjusts itself.

Ambient light-Lighting from a room.

Artificial light-Man made light.

Asa/Iso speed film- How fast the film reacts to light.

Bracket-Taking several pictures of the same thing with the same setting.

Depth of field: The backround in a picture.( Range of diffrence)

Exposure triangle: Three major componints while taking aperture pictures. Thwy all come together.(Shutter, aperture, ISO)

How to control depth of field- Use the F-stops.

Light meter- Reacts to light in a photo and measures it.

Short depth of field
Medium depth of field-

long depth of field

Unusual focus-

ambient light-

Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman is an American photographer. She specalizes in self portraits. I really like her style because it shows so many diffrent charecters. It shows you can be somebody else. She models all of her pictures and photographs the,. I think that is a really special thing to be able to do. Cindy also does not name her photographs because she wants you to have your own perspective of what the picutres about. I think that is a great idea. I absolutly love her photographs. She is an amazing photographer.

Friday 7 February 2014

Famous Photographer Fridays- Chuck Close

Today I found out about  a very cool and amazing photographer. He is an american photographer and painter. He is paralized but that does not stop him from persuing his career.
I love that he shows the underneath of people. Not the 10lbs of makeup celebritys and normal people cake on there face. "No makeup or hair or wardrobe, Just pick something thats, you"
It is quite fantastic!

Wednesday 5 February 2014


I love this! It was a really fun project. This consisted of many pictures now all 1.

Hockney Photography

Here is my own David Hockney masterpiece!
This project was quite frusterating but in the end I think my photo(s) turned out well. :)