Monday 17 February 2014


Aperture/ F-stop: Diffrent lengths of time and light that hit the camera.

Aperture Priority- You choose the aperture and Shutter speed and everything else adjusts itself.

Ambient light-Lighting from a room.

Artificial light-Man made light.

Asa/Iso speed film- How fast the film reacts to light.

Bracket-Taking several pictures of the same thing with the same setting.

Depth of field: The backround in a picture.( Range of diffrence)

Exposure triangle: Three major componints while taking aperture pictures. Thwy all come together.(Shutter, aperture, ISO)

How to control depth of field- Use the F-stops.

Light meter- Reacts to light in a photo and measures it.

Short depth of field
Medium depth of field-

long depth of field

Unusual focus-

ambient light-

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