Monday 7 April 2014


What is a prime lens? A lens with only one focal length.
What is a zoom lens? Has a range of focal lengths.
When looking through a telephoto lens does the object appear closer of farther? Closer.
When would you use a wide angle lens? When photographing scenery (panoramic feel) or wide objects.
When would you use a macro lens? When photographing very close up.
If you want a macro effect but do not have a macro lens, what do you use? Turn your lens backwards. Must be on manual, adjust shutter speed.

Best situation to use lens:
Sigma Superwide- Landscape

24mm- No zoom used for wide angle.

50mm- What our eyes see- Anytime, low light situations.

60mm macro- Close up - bugs, flowers

85mm- Close up- Portraits

Lensbaby lens-  Creative, interesting photography

80-200 telephoto lens - Close up- sporting events, spying.

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