Wednesday 2 April 2014

Photo Essay Planning

What is your environmental concern? My environmental concern is about killing our forestry.

Why is it important to you? This is important to me because everywhere I go I see construction. For example they wanted to completely remodel Brookswood, Brookswood is surrounded my trees and forests.

List 5 ways this negatively effects the environment?
                                              -Trees are our oxygen source.
                                              - All of our wildlife that WE eat are depend on the forest.
                                              -1.6 billion people rely on sources the forests offer, we will
                                                 run out of resources.
                                              -Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year,
                                                 equivalent to 36 football fields each minute.
                                             -The amazon has lost around 17% of there forest in the last 50 years
                                                 imagine in 100.

List 5 ways this negatively effects animals?
                                -Loss of habitat
                                -Nowhere to hide from predators.
                                -Will not know how to survive without their natural habitat.
                                - Will force all animals into a close space.
                                -Can not hunt well.

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